Netherlands donates $7 million to improve water management in Near East and Africa
Remote sensing satellite imagery will
help to identify areas where water use produces poor crops
27 November 2015, Rome -- The
Netherlands and FAO are expanding their collaboration in the area of
water management with a $7 million donation by the Dutch government
to support the use of remote sensing technology in helping
water-scarce countries in the Near East and Africa monitor and
improve the way they use water for crop production.
The additional donation brings the
total budget up to $10 million for the Dutch-funded project that uses
satellite data to find land areas where water use is not translating
into optimal agricultural production, identify the source of the
problem and recommend different planting and irrigation techniques.
"The project uses some of the most
advanced technologies and takes into account the ecosystems and the
equitable use of water resources," FAO Director-General José
Graziano da Silva said at an event marking the extended agreement at
FAO headquarters in Rome.
He highlighted the importance of the
project on the eve of the UN climate conference in Paris, noting the
added stress that climate change places on farmers in the way they
manage limited water resources.
“We all know that water is becoming
scarce while at the same time it is crucial to producing enough good
food for a growing number of people,” said Permanent Representative
of the Netherlands to FAO Gerda Verburg.
“With this innovative remote sense
approach to improving water productivity we give farmers a concrete
tool to take decisions about the best use of water and what kind of
crops to grow -- but also about the growing season so that they can
target their investments,” she added.
The data tools created under the
project, which will be freely available to governments and farmers
alike, also aim to help policymakers in taking evidence-based policy
Some 70 percent of all freshwater
withdrawn worldwide is used for agriculture – a figure that rises
to as much as 95 percent in certain developing countries, posing
major challenges to the sustainability of food production.
Growing scarcity of and competition for
water also threaten to derail poverty alleviation efforts, especially
in semi-arid rural areas where access to for this precious resource
to grow food and rear livestock is essential for stable livelihoods.
How it works
A key component of the four-year
program is an updated data portal of interpreted remote sensing
satellite images that show the state of cropped areas in near
Based on this information --which
incorporates rainfall and crop transpiration data, among other
inputs-- experts can quickly assess problem areas where water and
land productivity are low, meaning these areas use relatively high
amounts of scarce natural resources for minimal yield.
Using remote sensing rather than
country survey data offers a unified measuring tool that allows for
easy comparisons between the productivity of land areas -- from the
country level to the farm level.
By posing questions such as, why is one
farm using the available water better than another farm in the same
area, researchers and local stakeholders can then investigate how
farmers in those areas manage their crop – including crop selection
and irrigation techniques-- and identify ways to close yield gaps.
A training component of the project, in
turn, aims to improve the capacity of farmers and policy-makers to
increase water productivity in local agriculture -- that means
producing more value per unit of water.
The data portal will provide
information on three spatial scales: the continental level over the
whole of Africa and Near East, country and river basin level, and
irrigation scheme level.
With the additional funding, the
project will be expanding its target countries to include three
additional countries - Jordan, Lebanon and Syria, as well as the
Jordan River basin -- that were chosen because they are experiencing
increased stress on their already scarce natural resources due to
severe migration issues. This will bring the total number of
participating countries to 18.
The project, which reflects the
Netherlands’ interest in water issues in the area of agriculture,
is implemented by FAO in collaboration with the UNESCO-IHE Institute
for Water Education, the International Water Management Institute
(IWMI), and other partners.
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