Upgrading the rice value chain in Africa
Increasing domestic rice production on
its own may not be enough to tilt the balance toward
self-sufficiency. For example, Senegal boosted domestic production in
2008 in response to the crisis, but according to AfricaRice former
agricultural economist Demont (2013)*, “when rice farmers [brought]
the rice surplus generated by the program to market, the market was
temporarily flooded as there was no commensurate increase in demand
for local rice, resulting in a steep decline of prices.” This story
is likely to be repeated elsewhere on the continent, especially in
coastal countries that import large quantities of rice and whose
urban populations have become accustomed to the quality attributes of
imported rice.
AfricaRice consequently added its voice
to those of the World Bank, United Nations Conference on Trade and
Development (UNCTAD) and FAO in the call to widen investment to cover
the whole value chain rather than simply focusing on production.
Upgrading the whole value chain requires value-adding investments as
well as investments in production.
AfricaRice has analyzed rice production
chains in Senegal to determine the sequence of investments required
for value-adding before tackling productivity. This analysis provides
a model for other countries, especially those with import-biased
In brief, coastal countries — where
consumers favor imported rice — need to make their local rice look
like the imported brands through quality-upgrading, branding and
labeling. Meanwhile, coastal countries in which consumers favor local
rice need to focus on maintaining the competitiveness of local rice
on the local market (where it has to compete with better quality
Conversely, landlocked countries that
are somewhat shielded from import bias due to natural barriers are
encouraged to invest in their internal marketing infrastructure,
simultaneously shifting supply, adding value and maintaining demand
for local rice. These countries may also benefit from a regional
value-chain approach to rice development and will therefore need to
focus on value-chain upgrading (promoting trade, increasing
coordination among stakeholders, providing marketing credit and
developing export strategies).
Despite the poor image of local rice,
further research confirmed that urban consumers were willing to pay a
premium (even above the price of their currently preferred imported
rice brands) for high-quality local rice. In terms of marketing, a
key factor in import-biased countries seems to be making sure that
local rice is packaged so that it blends in with imported brands on
the shelf in urban markets. However, the appearance, grade, cooking
characteristics and aroma then have to live up to the expectation of
the branding—poor-quality rice masquerading as a high-quality
product would only further undermine confidence in local rice.
The overall conclusion is that more
resources need to be directed toward value-chain upgrading to add
value to domestic rice production such that poor rice farmers have
access to the large urban markets that are currently mainly served by
Asian exporters. At the same time, however, the local rice needs to
remain affordable for rural and urban consumers, particularly the
* Demont M. 2013. Reversing urban bias
in African rice markets: A review of 19 national rice development
strategies. Global Food Security, 2: 172–181.
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