Weaver ants can boost cashew yield, study shows
By Jimoh Babatunde with agency reports
THE cashew (Anacardium occidentale) was
introduced from Brazil in the 16th century and has become an
economically important cash crop for a number of African countries.
In the Benin Republic, for instance, raw cashew nuts have replaced
cotton as the number one agricultural export produce and account for
over 13% of export earnings.
Production is, however, severely
constrained by infestation by several insect pests, sap-sucking
insects, leaf miners, branch borers, coreid bugs, mirid bugs, and
thrips, which adversely affect the quality of harvestable nuts and
causes yield losses of up to 80%.
In a recent report published in the
Journal of Agricultural and Forest Entomology, a team of researchers
that includes Dr Jean-François Vayssières, IITA entomologist,
present remarkable findings.
Cashew nut yields can be boosted by as
much as 78% with weaver ants only, and 151% with ants and GF-120 bait
sprays, when treatments incorporating the African weaver ant
(Oecophylla longinoda) are employed against Béninois insect cashew
pests. The researchers carried out their two-year study on a cashew
orchard in the Parakou area of Bénin. First they divided the cashew
trees into three blocks. Each block was then divided into four
treatments, each with 72 trees.
Sugar solution
The treatments were as follows: a plot
of trees colonized by weaver ants (ants); a plot of trees colonized
by weaver ants fed with sugar solution (ant feeding); and an
integrated pest management system (IPM) consisting of a plot of trees
colonized by weaver ants and with spot application of GF-120. GF-120
is a biopesticide mixed with protein bait compatible with organic
production but detrimental to cashew pests. Finally, the control
treatment against which the performance of the other treatments was
measured consisted of a plot of trees not subjected to any form of
pest control.
Trees protected by weaver ants were
compared with those without any form of protection. They found that
nut yield and weight increased by 78% and 73% for the ants treatment,
by 122% and 118% for the ant feeding treatment, and by 151% and 141%
for the IPM treatment compared with the control. “The presence of
weaver ants patrolling the trees provides protection against pests,”
said Dr Vayssières. “They can have a direct impact by capturing
insect pests such as cashew bugs and also provide, ‘visual and
olfactory cues’ that act as a repellent.”
The efficacy of weaver ants as natural
biocontrol agents against a wide range of pests as shown by this
study is in harmony with findings from previous studies carried out
by Dr Vayssières in 2008. These demonstrated that Oecophylla
Ionginoda was efficient in repelling and reducing damage caused by
these dangerous fruit flies—Bactrocera dorsalis, Ceratitis
capitata, and Ceratitis cosyra—in mango and citrus plantations.
An unexpected finding from the present
study, however, revealed that treatments using weaver ants and
sugar-fed weaver ants led to an increase in thrips activity which
resulted in a higher than expected reduction in nut quality.
Conversely, when weaver ants were used in conjunction with GF-120,
nut quality was enhanced and thrips damage reduced.
Therefore an IPM program incorporating
weaver ants and GF-120 or a similar pesticide is recommended. Because
organic pesticides are expensive, more studies are required to
determine the cost effectiveness of this kind of program to ensure
that the gains from an increased yield are not eroded by the costs of
the treatments.
Dr Vayssières also confirmed that
there are other control methods focused on thrips to be tested in
this way. He added “The red ants, O. longinoda, are particularly
suitable for African developing countries where fruit trees are
rarely monitored for pests and where IPM is hampered by high tree
size and inadequate/insufficient farmer knowledge.
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