Focus on agriculture is key to ensure that Belt and Road initiative promotes sustainable development
Focus on agriculture is key to ensure
that Belt and Road initiative promotes sustainable development
FAO Director-General praises China's
support for South-South Cooperation
15 May 2017, Beijing - The Belt and
Road initiative linking China and the Eurasia region can help achieve
the Sustainable Development Goals, provided it addresses the needs of
millions of farmers and fisher folk in the countries involved,
according to FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva.
"Agriculture is a crucial sector.
It accounts for more than 25 percent of GDP, as well as for more than
40 percent of employment in many countries involved in the
Initiative," he said in Beijing on Sunday.
Graziano da Silva made the remarks at
the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation. The event, he
said, provided a unique impetus for an international concerted effort
to promote "a more balanced, equitable and inclusive development
along the Belt and Road".
Leaders from 29 countries were
participating in the May 14-15 Forum which, under the initiative
called "One Belt, One Road", focuses on expanding
development and trade links between Asia, Africa, South America and
Europe, as mentioned by the Chinese President Xi Jinping in his
opening remarks.
The FAO Director-General underscored
that agriculture is not only important for generating and promoting
sustainable livelihoods, but it is essential for ensuring food and
nutrition security, preserving natural resources and biodiversity,
and for promoting rural development.
FAO has been the first international
organization to develop a specific framework to reinforce policy
coordination in the implementation of the Belt and Road Initiative
with relation to the agriculture sector.
The framework seeks to promote four
flagship programmes: i) one health approach for sustainable
agriculture and trade; ii) sustainable food production and value
chain development; iii) science and technology for agri-food
innovation to combat climate-change; and iv) smart agriculture and
information and communications technology (ICT) application in the
food industry.
China - a leading role in South-South
The Belt and Road, according to the FAO
Director-General, opens a "great opportunity" among all
countries involved to engage in South-South Cooperation, a
FAO-promoted model of development which has proven effective in
creating jobs, building infrastructure and promoting trade among
developing countries across the "global South".
"Let me take this opportunity to
thank the Chinese Government for playing a leading role in the
support of FAO's South-South cooperation programme. It has benefitted
over 30 countries and produced strong impacts in developing
countries," Graziano da Silva said.
President Xi's keynote speech indicated
that China will provide an additional one billion US dollars to
support international organizations to implement a series of projects
to benefit countries along the Belt and Road. This will allow linking
the Overseas Development Assistance, already provided with policy
advice, trade and long-term investments, and what is particularly
relevant for developing countries' deprived rural areas.
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