Soil management could make or break climate change response efforts
Rome - Warning of "colossal"
negative impacts for the environment and human societies if the
massive stores of carbon trapped in the Earth's soils are released,
Fijian president Jioji Konousi Konrote called for stronger management
of this critical natural resource at the start of an international
symposium today.
There is currently more carbon locked
up in just the first meter of the planet's soils than can be found in
the atmosphere and all terrestrial plant life combined, he said
during his keynote address to the Global Symposium on Soil Organic
Carbon (21-23 March).
Referring to international commitments
to limit global temperature rise to below 2 degrees Celsius made
under the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement, Konrote warned: "If we
fail to maintain our soils as a carbon reservoir, I am afraid that
these discussions and negotiations would have been in vain."
"We cannot afford to neglect a
resource that could be our serious and viable ally against climate
change," he added.
Fiji and other small island developing
states are on the front lines in the battle against climate change.
The government of Fiji is poised to assume the presidency of the next
Conference of Parties of the UN Climate Agreement that will take
place in in Bonn, Germany, in November.
FAO Director-General Jose Graziano da
Silva in his remarks stressed that beyond their critical role as a
carbon sink, healthy soils underpin multiple environmental processes
upon which humankind depends and which are the foundation of global
food security.
"Soils with high organic carbon
content are likely to be more fertile and productive, better able to
purify water, and help to increase the resilience of livelihoods to
the impacts of climate change," he noted.
This means that improving the health of
the planet's soils and boosting their organic carbon content is
critical to achieving several of the international development goals
established by the UN's 2030 agenda, especially the second goal of
eradicating hunger and malnutrition, FAO's Director-General said.
A valuable, vulnerable resource
Carbon is sequestered underground after
being "fixed" from the atmosphere via plants or organic
residues and then incorporated into soils through largely natural
processes. Soil carbon content consists of both living and dead
components, and can include both field stubble, as well as decayed
materials from millennia ago.
This adds up to a vast reservoir of
carbon, according to an FAO report being presented at the symposium.
But when soil is disturbed or degraded,
trapped carbon and other greenhouse gases resulting from decay are
re-released back into the atmosphere.
This means that the Earth's soil carbon
reservoir could either release massive amounts of greenhouse gases
into the atmosphere, or sequester more of them, depending on the
management decisions we make going forward, the report says.
Already, one-third of the planet's
soils are degraded, leading to an enormous decrease in global soil
organic carbon stocks and the release of up to 100 gigatonnes into
the atmosphere.
Further damage to soil carbon stocks
through poor soil management will hamper efforts to limit global
temperature rises and avoid increased floods, droughts and other
climate change impacts, warns Soil Organic Carbon: The Hidden
Meanwhile, rising temperatures and an
increased frequency of extreme weather events will lead to additional
losses of soil organic carbon, making improvement management even
more urgent.
Of particular concern are soils with
high levels of organic content, like peatlands and
temperature-vulnerable permafrost zones. These "hot spots"
will likely become net sources of greenhouse gas emissions in the
future, barring effective interventions.
The main greenhouse gases emitted by
soil are carbon dioxide and methane; another is nitrous oxide, whose
emission is increasingly being driven by human activity in the
livestock sector.
Making the most of a massive carbon
There are many agricultural and land
management practices that can preserve and boost soil organic carbon
— not only mitigating global warming but offering multiple
additional benefits.
Some studies suggest that the
rehabilitation of agricultural and degraded lands could remove up to
51 Gt of carbon from the atmosphere. Others estimate that adopting
agricultural practices that conserve soil organic carbon can increase
food production by 17.6 megatonnes per year.
Improving soil health will not only
help raise local agricultural productivity, but also significantly
boost the resilience of farmers and agricultural communities.
However, global adoption rates of
sustainable soil management practices remain relatively low, due to
financial, technical and institutional barriers as well as
information and knowledge gaps.
Overcoming barriers
Recently endorsed FAO Voluntary
Guidelines for Sustainable Soil Management can help address technical
and institutional barriers and provide key information on how to go
about reversing the negative trends of soil organic losses.
Aiming to build on that development,
this week's symposium is bringing together the science, policy and
land-use community to build momentum behind preserving soil organic
carbon and re-carbonizing degraded soils.
Hundreds of experts, scientists,
natural resource managers, and academics are participating.
Also participating at the symposium
opening were: Monique Barbut, Executive Secretary of the United
Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) and Abdalah
Mokssit, Secretary of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
(IPPC). Kamernu Vella, EU Commissioner for Environment, Stéphane Le
Foll, French Minister for Agriculture, AgriFood and Forestry, Elena
Manaenkova, Deputy Secretary-General of the World Meteorological
Organization (WMO) address the audience via video.
The symposium was co-organized by FAO,
the IPCC, the Intergovernmental Technical Panel on Soils (ITPS),
UNCCD-SPI, the Global Soil Partnership and WMO, and is being
financially supported by the European Commission and the governments
of Switzerland and Iceland.
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