United States joins pioneering plant genetic resources treaty
The United States
is the newest member of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic
Resources for Food and Agriculture, a ground-breaking instrument that
works to strengthen global food security by promoting the
conservation, sharing, and sustainable use of agricultural plant
genetic resources.
Today FAO Director-General José
Graziano da Silva and Thomas M. Duffy, Chargé d'Affaires ad interim
of the U.S. Embassy to Rome, marked the entry into force of the
treaty for the United States during a ceremony at the UN food
agency's Rome headquarters.
"The United States looks forward
to working with U.S. stakeholders and international partners to
continue to strengthen the Treaty to conserve the resources needed
for agricultural productivity, resilience and food security,"
said Duffy.
"We welcome the membership of the
United State of America and we hope that as new countries join the
International Treaty, the increased exchange of material and the flow
of benefits resulting from their use will translate in more support
to local farmers in developing countries who conserve seeds and other
planting material," said Graziano da Silva.
"Biodiversity can help us face the
impacts of climate change. We need to ensure that farmers have access
to seeds, and to promote and support breeding programs in different
regions to find the best way to adapt. That is what FAO's Seed Treaty
is all about," added the FAO Director-General.
The United States officially deposited
its certificate of adherence to the treaty with FAO three months ago,
triggering a three month count-down to its entry into force for the
Five other countries — Argentina,
Bolivia, Guyana, Tuvalu and Chile — also recently became active
contracting parties to the treaty. And Antigua and Barbuda has also
deposited its certificate of adherence and so is poised to become so
by mid-2017.
U.S. accession gives a further boost to
rich genetic repository
The Treaty's centrepiece is its
"Multilateral System" that facilitates access to a
globe-spanning collection of plant genetic resources, exclusively for
use in research, breeding and training efforts — and which includes
measures to ensure the fair and equitable sharing of any financial
benefits that result.
The Multilateral System currently
applies to 64 food, feed and grazing crops maintained by
International Agricultural Research Centres or under the management
and control of national governments and in the public domain. Those
who access the materials must be from the Treaty's ratifying nations
and must agree to use the materials only for research, breeding and
training purposes.
The world's largest collection of plant
genetic material, the Multilateral System now covers over 1.5 million
crop "accessions" — samples of plants, seeds, or crop
varieties or populations held in gene banks or maintained by breeding
programs. The system has since 2007 transferred 3.2 million of these
accessions for research and breeding efforts.
The United States holds some of the
largest public and best-documented crop gene bank collections in the
world, with more than 576,600 documented crop accessions to its name.
These will now become much more widely available under the Treaty's
Multilateral System.
Pooling resources and knowledge
Access to the genetic material
available in the global genepool is critical to work by researchers
and agronomists to develop new crop varieties with higher nutritional
values, that are more resistant to pests, diseases and environmental
stresses, and which give improved yields.
Indeed, much of the crop yield
increases achieved in recent decades is attributable to improved and
new seed varieties developed through research and breeding programs.
Sharing the wealth
The Treaty prevents anyone accessing
genetic resources under the Multilateral System from claiming
intellectual property rights over those resources in the form in
which they received them, and ensures that access to resources
already protected by international property rights is consistent with
international law.
And under the Treaty's Benefit Sharing
fund, those who commercialize plants bred with material from the
Multilateral System pay a share of their returns into a trust fund
that is used to support efforts to help developing countries improve
the conservation and sustainable use of their plant genetic
To date, the Treaty has disbursed
almost $20 million through the fund to help one million farmers stay
ahead of climate change through 61 projects in over 55 developing
nations. More than 220 civil society organizations, non-governmental
organizations, universities, gene banks, national and international
research institutions, rural community groups and producers'
organizations have been involved in executing these projects.
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